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Umbilical Hernia

It is common at birth, as it is the point where the umbilical cord and its vascular components are connected to the placenta. After birth, it normally heals and suffers an involution, but it can leave a defect sometimes as big a 2 cms. in diameter. It is usually benign and resolves spontaneously in the first two years of life.

It is more common in females and in some human groups, but if it doesn´t close at 2 years of age, it requires surgical correction.

It is done as a day case, with a short general anesthesia.

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$ 2,099 USD

Doctor fees included*

*Prices can vary without notice.
The patient undestands that every medical procedure comes with an inherent risk, any complication during the surgery may generate additional costs.

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Procedure: 1 hr.
Hospital stay: Outpatient
Cleared to fly: 2 - 3 days

What umbilical hernia surgery can treat

  • Incarcerated hernias

We Offer

  • High-quality materials
  • Up to date equipment
  • Bilingual attention

After surgery

Children often feel fine by the evening after surgery or the next morning. They can eat their regular foods as soon as they are ready.

Give them a sponge bath instead of a tub bath for the first few days after surgery.

Restrict certain activities for 2 weeks, do not let them do anything that may damage the procedure site. They should avoid bike riding, jungle gyms, wrestling or organized sports.

Help prevent constipation, straining on the toilet can cause pain around the surgical area. Make sure your child drinks plenty of water and eats vegetables, fruits and high-fiber foods.

Disclaimer: This information does not reflect the medical advice from our clinics. All cases are different and this treatment may not suit you. Always refer to a medical professional with the certification and experience. All of our physicians are fully qualified to perform these procedures. For more information and diagnosis contact one of our top specialized clinics.

In all medical procedures, there are chances of complications, the specialist will provide you detailed information about the risks of the procedure, talk to the specialist directly.

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