Doctor fees included*
*Prices can vary without notice.
The patient undestands that every medical procedure comes with an inherent risk, any complication during the surgery may generate additional costs.
Custom made intraocular lenses (IOL’s).
Your nose may need to be refilled with packing material to reduce the chance of bleeding. In most external and endoscopic DCR cases, you will be able to go home the same day. Plan to have someone go home with you after the procedure.
You may need to take antibiotics or antibiotic eyedrops to help prevent infection. The doctor might also give you instructions about rinsing the nasal cavity. You may need other medicines too, such as steroids and nasal decongestants.
There may be a little soreness after the procedure, but over-the-counter pain medicines should relieve the discomfort. It is normal to have some bruising after an external DCR. There is typically no bruising after an endoscopic DCR. Ask the doctor if there are activities you should avoid while you recover.
You may have a scheduled appointment soon after the procedure. You will need continued follow-up care to monitor how you are doing after your surgery. If a stent was placed, it might need to be removed a few weeks after the procedure.
Disclaimer: This information does not reflect the medical advice from our clinics. All cases are different and this treatment may not suit you. Always refer to a medical professional with the certification and experience. All of our physicians are fully qualified to perform these procedures. For more information and diagnosis contact one of our top specialized clinics.
In all medical procedures, there are chances of complications, the specialist will provide you detailed information about the risks of the procedure, talk to the specialist directly.