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Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that repairs droopy eyelids and may involve removing excess skin, muscle and fat. As you age, your eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. As a result, excess fat may gather above and below your eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids and bags under your eyes.

Besides making you look older, severely sagging skin around your eyes can reduce your side vision (peripheral vision), especially the upper and outer parts of your field of vision. Blepharoplasty can reduce or eliminate these vision problems and make your eyes appear younger and more alert.

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$ 3,999 USD

Doctor fees included*

*Prices can vary without notice.
The patient undestands that every medical procedure comes with an inherent risk, any complication during the surgery may generate additional costs.

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Procedure: 1-2 hrs.
Hospital stay: Outpatient
Cleared to fly: 5 days
Go back to work: 1 week


  • Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision
  • Fatty deposits that appear as puffiness in the eyelids
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Drooping lower eyelids that reveal white below the iris
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid

We Offer

  • High-quality materials
  • Up to date equipment
  • Bilingual attention

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View before and after pictures from real patients.





After surgery

  1. After surgery, most likely, your eyes will be covered with a bandage and light gauze
  2. Avoid any physical activity for the first 24 hours post-surgery
  3. Use a cold pack to help reduce swelling
  4. Your eyelids will be numb for several days
  5. Your eyes will be extremely sensitive to light. Hence, cutting down on your screen time is essential
  6. You will still have puffiness and swelling around your eyes. It usually subsides within a period of two weeks
  7. Avoid straining your eyes excessively for at least a month post-surgery; reading, watching TV/Phone can strain your eyes
  8. Most patients can resume light activity two weeks post-surgery
  9. Do wear sunglasses to protect your eyes against sunlight and wind

Disclaimer: This information does not reflect the medical advice from our clinics. All cases are different and this treatment may not suit you. Always refer to a medical professional with the certification and experience. All of our physicians are fully qualified to perform these procedures. For more information and diagnosis contact one of our top specialized clinics.

In all medical procedures, there are chances of complications, the specialist will provide you detailed information about the risks of the procedure, talk to the specialist directly.

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